What can you say when the President and his White House Staff take on the most powerful name in news FOX NEWS CHANNEL?
Calling th

President Obama may think he is winning the people over but to be honest all he is doing is bringing more viewers to the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and that is a fact.
FOX NEWS IS KNOWN TO BE “FAIR AND BALANCED”, THEY DON’T KISS THE Presidents behind and they tell it like it is the TRUTH.
Obama has given interviews with CBS, ABC NBC, and of choice his royal suck up, CNN.
Fox News has given Obama a hard time, searching to make sure he was born in America, letting Americans know that his Father was from Kenya, and really more or less going after him like no other network had the balls to.
Shawn Hannity reported on his association with the crazy Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a preacher that hated America and White People.
Associations he held with known mobsters, in the Chicago area.
When the American people went to the pole to vote for him, they had no idea what he would be getting this country in for. He is now proving that under pressure he can’t take the heat, as FOX NEWS goes after him full tilt bozo.
How is it that they say TALK RADIO is the cause for the hatred toward President Obama,

Does Rush Limbaugh, Neil Boortz, Shawn Hannity, or Bill O’Reily plus Lou Dobbs really aggravate the

For all it is worth, TALK RADIO makes you think and that is something that I believe this President does not want Americans to do, and that is of course use their brain.
People are saying TALK RADIO is dangerous, and only stupid people listen to TALK RADIO. If that is the true case and radio talk shows are so dangerous, why do millions of Americans tune in and listen to ESPN, or and SPORTS TALK SHOW?

The only difference between Sports and Politics is that we find out how much the Americans are lied to by the Politicians in Washington, and elsewhere.
It has been known for years that President Obama has wanted to shut down TALK RADIO shows, he has went after Don Imus, and had him fired, when CBS asked him what he would have done. CBS had no reason to ask then candidate Obama what he thought, I mean who really cared.
Those are things of the past, times now are getting to the point that whatever the President says must be taken to be ALL TRUE and nothing FALSE. Why should we as Americans have to believe in everything he says or does.
All I can say is going after FOX NEWS is the worst mistake a President could do, you don’t attack the media without being attacked yourself.
More people watch FOX NEWS now than ever before all because FOX is being held hostage by a President who believes the Network needs to bow down to every word he says.
Put up your dukes President Obama and your entire White House Staff, because attacking a Network proves you have gone over board.
Watch the Fight, go on and on, see who wins in the end
Calling the Fox News Channel not even a news channel is the most disgraceful thing any President has said, and it must be known that FOX is being boycotted by the President.
President Obama may think he is winning the people over but to be honest all he is doing is bringing more viewers to the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and that is a fact.
FOX NEWS KNOWS HOW TO BE “FAIR AND BALANCED”, THEY DON’T KISS THE Presidents behind and they tell it like it is the TRUTH.
President Obama may think he is winning the people over but to be honest all he is doing is bringing more viewers to the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and that is a fact.
FOX NEWS KNOWS HOW TO BE “FAIR AND BALANCED”, THEY DON’T KISS THE Presidents behind and they tell it like it is the TRUTH.

For some reason President Obama thinks he is "Superman" and can not be touched, well Mr.President the gloves are off and FOX is after you now more than ever before.
By the way Mr.President, may I remind you that you are not "Superman", and you can't fly, or is that "LIE" and get away with it to the American people all the time.
You won't grant tough hard hitting interviews with the most powerful new channel, but you will to every channel except FOX, are you CRAZY!.
The way I see it, if I owned Fox News Channel, I would not allow any images of the President to grace the screen. I would make sure that what was reported about him was to a minimum.
He would not pick and choose who he would let interview him.
Mr.President, you are in a fight, and I know that FOX NEWS CHANNEL will win in the end, so have fun in the White House because this will be your last term in any office.
Thank YOU,