Saturday, August 1, 2009

SICK MAN and Injures a annimal

Do we live in a SICK world or what?

Thank GOD that they arrested and found the man that through his dog “Oreo” off of a 6 Floor N.Y. Building.

This story comes out of New York, where a New York City man has been accused of throwing his dog from the roof of a six floor city housing project in Brooklyn, the animal was critically injured.

Joseph Pentangelo assistant director of the American Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals said that surgeons reassembled the one year old terrier mix’s front legs. The 45 pound dog named “Oreo” is able to walk.
ASCPA officials arrested 19 year old Fabian Henderson on Friday on felony charges of aggravated cruelty to animals and reckless endangerment. His lawyer’s name is not known at this time.
Residents of the Red Hook House called the ASCPA last month, saying a dog was being beaten inside an apartment.
Neighbors later called to say a dog had been thrown off the buildings roof.
In this case, I think they should take Fabian Henderson and do the same to him as severe punishment, throw him off the top of the building, plus beat him every day.
We THANK ALL THE NEIGHBORS that had the guts to call the police as well as the ASCPA, we applaud you all.
Animals can not call the police, plus they can’t tell others they are being abused, so please if you know of any other animal that is being abused please report it.

Many Thanks,


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