Sunday, July 26, 2009



There they were in the Rose Garden around a picnic table, not world leaders but 2 men meeting with the President and Vice President, the meeting was one that the President brought on himself when he bumbled into saying “The Cambridge Police were Stupid” when they were summoned to what the officers believed was a home break in. How were they too have known that it was a Professor was just trying to get into his own home, since he was locked out.

Everyone says what the big deal is; the big deal was when the President called the police and officers responding as.So with Mugs filled with Beer, the 3 men sat back and tried to work out this major problem in Obama’s Presidency.

There was no acrimony, NOR apology from any of the of the three. Black Harvard Scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. White Cambridge, Mass. Police Sgt. James Crowley who arrested him for disorderly conduct and President Obama, who declared on National TV that the police had “acted stupidly”?

Neither Gates nor Crowley backtracked either, agreeing they still had differences.

After 40 minuets of talking the beer fest was over and the President came out and announced that “I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger that what pulls us apart”.


Under the canopy of a magnolia tree in the early evening, Obama joined the other players in a story that has knocked his white house off stride. Vice President Joe Biden joined them also for drinks and snakes.
The policeman and the professor both expressed respect for each other after the dispute that unleashed a furor over racial profiling in America.
It all began two weeks ago when Crowley was called to investigate a potential burglary at Gates house and ended up arresting the protesting professor for disorderly conduct. The matter mushroomed when Obama made his comment in prime time in a news conference. The President later expressed regret in Cambridge, the charge was dropped.
We agreed to move forward, Crowley said Thursday night when he was asked if anything was solved in the meeting. “I think what you had today been two generations agreeing to disagree on a particular issue”. I don’t think we spent too much time dwelling on the past. We spent a lot of time discussing the future.

For his part, Gates said he and Crowley had been caught up as characters in a larger narrative about race over which they had no control.
“It is incumbent upon, Sgt.Crowley, and I to utilize the great opportunity that fate has given us” Gates said in a statement, He said their tasks must be to foster sympathy among Americans about “The daily perils of policing on the one hand, and for the genuine fears of racial profiling on the other hand”.

Although Obama had invited Crowley and Gates as part of what he called a “teachable moment”. I wasn’t quite reachable for the masses. The coverage allowed the public to get the we’ve come together photos and video footage that the White House wanted, while keeping the discussion private among the men.

They were seen chatting with each other, each with a mug if beer, Biden was nonalcoholic.

Crowley 42, and Gates, 58 said they were planning to meet again, and Obama hopes he can pivot back to health care and other issues with the distracting story behind him.

At the White House, Crowley and Gates wore dark suits really formal, other than Obama and Biden who has ditched their coats in the early evening. The President nibbled on some snakes that was where they were seen laughing at one point.


The White House meeting drew such media interest that press secretary Robert Gibbs said he looked forward to facing more questions about the beers each man would drink. For the record, it was Bud Light for Obama, Sam Adams for Gates and Blue Moon for Crowley and a non-alcoholic Bucker for Biden.

So in ALL Honesty, what did this accomplish, other than having beer in the rose garden, plus having a arresting officer and a arrestee sitting and sipping some cold suds with the President of the United States of America.

Nothing was accomplished, Gates made it clear that he was the victim and was still angry. Sgt.Crowley stayed with his story and remained the same way he was the night of the arrest, he was kind and cordial and did not pick a fight with any words. So what can we say was accomplished other than a media photo opportunity for the press.
All I can say is and this is what I believe, that Sgt.Crowley was doing his job as a officer who arrived at the scene of what was called in as a attempted burglary. He had no idea who Gates was and he certainly did not have to take the verbal abuse that Gates hurled his way in the arrest.
Put it this way when a police officer tells you to stand still, there should be NO BACK TALK of any kind, do what the Officer says and every thing should work out fine, but when you start a verbal attack, you are asking for problem, I could care less who you are in this world.

What do you think of Beer Fest 2009? Was it a success?

Leave a comment please.

Thanks again,


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