Monday, October 19, 2009

President Obama vs FOX News Channel


What can you say when the President and his White House Staff take on the most powerful name in news FOX NEWS CHANNEL?

Calling the Fox News Channel not even a news channel is the most disgraceful thing any President has said, and it must be known that FOX is being boycotted by the President.

President Obama may think he is winning the people over but to be honest all he is doing is bringing more viewers to the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and that is a fact.

FOX NEWS IS KNOWN TO BE “FAIR AND BALANCED”, THEY DON’T KISS THE Presidents behind and they tell it like it is the TRUTH.

Obama has given interviews with CBS, ABC NBC, and of choice his royal suck up, CNN.

Fox News has given Obama a hard time, searching to make sure he was born in America, letting Americans know that his Father was from Kenya, and really more or less going after him like no other network had the balls to.

Shawn Hannity reported on his association with the crazy Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a preacher that hated America and White People.

Associations he held with known mobsters, in the Chicago area.

When the American people went to the pole to vote for him, they had no idea what he would be getting this country in for. He is now proving that under pressure he can’t take the heat, as FOX NEWS goes after him full tilt bozo.

How is it that they say TALK RADIO is the cause for the hatred toward President Obama, I am sure that there are plenty of talk show radio host that have good things to say about Obama, but when things are not going the Presidents way he wants to blame TALK RADIO AND THERE HOST.


Does Rush Limbaugh, Neil Boortz, Shawn Hannity, or Bill O’Reily plus Lou Dobbs really aggravate the President so bad, I mean does that means he listens or just hears what the American people are saying about him, and wants to shut down TALK RADIO. The craziest host is Glenn Beck who tells it like it is and he is your wild man on FOX, CNN’s crazy man is Lou Dobbs.

For all it is worth, TALK RADIO makes you think and that is something that I believe this President does not want Americans to do, and that is of course use their brain.

People are saying TALK RADIO is dangerous, and only stupid people listen to TALK RADIO. If that is the true case and radio talk shows are so dangerous, why do millions of Americans tune in and listen to ESPN, or and SPORTS TALK SHOW?

The only difference between Sports and Politics is that we find out how much the Americans are lied to by the Politicians in Washington, and elsewhere.

It has been known for years that President Obama has wanted to shut down TALK RADIO shows, he has went after Don Imus, and had him fired, when CBS asked him what he would have done. CBS had no reason to ask then candidate Obama what he thought, I mean who really cared.
Those are things of the past, times now are getting to the point that whatever the President says must be taken to be ALL TRUE and nothing FALSE. Why should we as Americans have to believe in everything he says or does.

All I can say is going after FOX NEWS is the worst mistake a President could do, you don’t attack the media without being attacked yourself.

More people watch FOX NEWS now than ever before all because FOX is being held hostage by a President who believes the Network needs to bow down to every word he says.

Put up your dukes President Obama and your entire White House Staff, because attacking a Network proves you have gone over board.

Watch the Fight, go on and on, see who wins in the end

Calling the Fox News Channel not even a news channel is the most disgraceful thing any President has said, and it must be known that FOX is being boycotted by the President.

President Obama may think he is winning the people over but to be honest all he is doing is bringing more viewers to the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, and that is a fact.

FOX NEWS KNOWS HOW TO BE “FAIR AND BALANCED”, THEY DON’T KISS THE Presidents behind and they tell it like it is the TRUTH.

For some reason President Obama thinks he is "Superman" and can not be touched, well Mr.President the gloves are off and FOX is after you now more than ever before.
By the way Mr.President, may I remind you that you are not "Superman", and you can't fly, or is that "LIE" and get away with it to the American people all the time.

You won't grant tough hard hitting interviews with the most powerful new channel, but you will to every channel except FOX, are you CRAZY!.

The way I see it, if I owned Fox News Channel, I would not allow any images of the President to grace the screen. I would make sure that what was reported about him was to a minimum.

He would not pick and choose who he would let interview him.

Mr.President, you are in a fight, and I know that FOX NEWS CHANNEL will win in the end, so have fun in the White House because this will be your last term in any office.

Thank YOU,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

David Scott

Swastika painted outside Ga. congressman's office

WASHINGTON -- The FBI and police were investigating after a swastika was painted outside Rep. David Scott's district office in Georgia, an act the suburban Atlanta Democrat said reflects an increasingly hateful and racist debate over health care and should remind people to tone down their rhetoric.
Scott's staff arrived at his Smyrna, Ga., office Tuesday morning to find the Nazi graffiti emblazoned on a sign bearing the lawmaker's name. The vandalism occurred roughly a week after Scott was involved in a confrontational argument over health care at a community meeting.
Scott said his office immediately notified authorities, including the U.S. Capitol Police, who have warned lawmakers about potential threats stemming from the increasingly emotional debate over health care reform. An FBI spokesman said the bureau is investigating along with Capitol Police and the Smyrna Police Department
The congressman's office is located in a bank building and Scott said he was optimistic that surveillance cameras captured the vandalism.
Scott, who is black, said he also has received mail in recent days that used N-word references to him, and that characterized President Barack Obama as a Marxist.
"We have got to make sure that the symbol of the swastika does not win, that the racial hatred that's bubbling up does not win this debate," Scott said in a telephone interview. "There's so much hatred out there for President (Barack) Obama."
A moderate Democrat who represents a majority-white district near Atlanta, Scott said he thinks the racism is isolated but can't be ignored. He said the swastika probably was intended as a warning. He hopes it instead persuades reasonable people to maintain a more substantive debate over health care changes.
"We must not allow it to intimidate us," he said.
At an Aug. 1 community meeting in Douglasville, Ga., Scott angrily yelled at protesters who peppered him with questions and complaints about Democratic health care proposals. He has said he was upset that they interrupted a meeting that was supposed to be about plans for a new highway in the area.
On the Net:
Rep. David Scott:

Yes it has happened in Douglasville, Georgia a meeting went all the way to CNN, Fox News, CNN Headline News,
MSNBC, and so on and on, the David Scott meeting was really about the local highway that is a real nightmare.
It was at the end of the meeting when questions from the public were giving permission to ask anything of the Congressman. A doctor asked about health care, and once the question was asked, the congressman went ballistic, and is now trying to down size his mess.
By the way the Congressman David Scott said on CNN on 8-12-09 that on Saturday he would be holding a “Health Care Meeting”, now When?, Where? This is one event I want to attend.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Douglas and Jail time

Michael Douglas’s son, Cameron Douglas, nailed in meth drug bust.

Cameron Douglas , is the son of famous father Michael Douglas. The younger Douglas was arrested for possession of Crystal Meth..
Michael Douglas’s actor son has been busted at the hip Hotel Gansevoort on charges of possessing a stash of crystal meth.

An undercover cop found about 8 ounces of the drug and more than $10,000 in cash last Tuesday on Cameron Douglas, the 30 year old grandson of Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas.
He was charged with possession with intent to sell.


Douglas was previously arrested in 1999 when he was charged with buying drugs, he was arrested in 2007 in California on cocaine possession charges.

Staff at the hotel in the Meatpacking District- which features a popular rooftop bar overlooking the Hudson. After the arrest the night spot was closed and will reopen soon.

All I can say is if a actors son does the crime, he should do the Hard time, just like you are I would have to do.



Saturday, August 1, 2009

SICK MAN and Injures a annimal

Do we live in a SICK world or what?

Thank GOD that they arrested and found the man that through his dog “Oreo” off of a 6 Floor N.Y. Building.

This story comes out of New York, where a New York City man has been accused of throwing his dog from the roof of a six floor city housing project in Brooklyn, the animal was critically injured.

Joseph Pentangelo assistant director of the American Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals said that surgeons reassembled the one year old terrier mix’s front legs. The 45 pound dog named “Oreo” is able to walk.
ASCPA officials arrested 19 year old Fabian Henderson on Friday on felony charges of aggravated cruelty to animals and reckless endangerment. His lawyer’s name is not known at this time.
Residents of the Red Hook House called the ASCPA last month, saying a dog was being beaten inside an apartment.
Neighbors later called to say a dog had been thrown off the buildings roof.
In this case, I think they should take Fabian Henderson and do the same to him as severe punishment, throw him off the top of the building, plus beat him every day.
We THANK ALL THE NEIGHBORS that had the guts to call the police as well as the ASCPA, we applaud you all.
Animals can not call the police, plus they can’t tell others they are being abused, so please if you know of any other animal that is being abused please report it.

Many Thanks,


Sunday, July 26, 2009



There they were in the Rose Garden around a picnic table, not world leaders but 2 men meeting with the President and Vice President, the meeting was one that the President brought on himself when he bumbled into saying “The Cambridge Police were Stupid” when they were summoned to what the officers believed was a home break in. How were they too have known that it was a Professor was just trying to get into his own home, since he was locked out.

Everyone says what the big deal is; the big deal was when the President called the police and officers responding as.So with Mugs filled with Beer, the 3 men sat back and tried to work out this major problem in Obama’s Presidency.

There was no acrimony, NOR apology from any of the of the three. Black Harvard Scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. White Cambridge, Mass. Police Sgt. James Crowley who arrested him for disorderly conduct and President Obama, who declared on National TV that the police had “acted stupidly”?

Neither Gates nor Crowley backtracked either, agreeing they still had differences.

After 40 minuets of talking the beer fest was over and the President came out and announced that “I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger that what pulls us apart”.


Under the canopy of a magnolia tree in the early evening, Obama joined the other players in a story that has knocked his white house off stride. Vice President Joe Biden joined them also for drinks and snakes.
The policeman and the professor both expressed respect for each other after the dispute that unleashed a furor over racial profiling in America.
It all began two weeks ago when Crowley was called to investigate a potential burglary at Gates house and ended up arresting the protesting professor for disorderly conduct. The matter mushroomed when Obama made his comment in prime time in a news conference. The President later expressed regret in Cambridge, the charge was dropped.
We agreed to move forward, Crowley said Thursday night when he was asked if anything was solved in the meeting. “I think what you had today been two generations agreeing to disagree on a particular issue”. I don’t think we spent too much time dwelling on the past. We spent a lot of time discussing the future.

For his part, Gates said he and Crowley had been caught up as characters in a larger narrative about race over which they had no control.
“It is incumbent upon, Sgt.Crowley, and I to utilize the great opportunity that fate has given us” Gates said in a statement, He said their tasks must be to foster sympathy among Americans about “The daily perils of policing on the one hand, and for the genuine fears of racial profiling on the other hand”.

Although Obama had invited Crowley and Gates as part of what he called a “teachable moment”. I wasn’t quite reachable for the masses. The coverage allowed the public to get the we’ve come together photos and video footage that the White House wanted, while keeping the discussion private among the men.

They were seen chatting with each other, each with a mug if beer, Biden was nonalcoholic.

Crowley 42, and Gates, 58 said they were planning to meet again, and Obama hopes he can pivot back to health care and other issues with the distracting story behind him.

At the White House, Crowley and Gates wore dark suits really formal, other than Obama and Biden who has ditched their coats in the early evening. The President nibbled on some snakes that was where they were seen laughing at one point.


The White House meeting drew such media interest that press secretary Robert Gibbs said he looked forward to facing more questions about the beers each man would drink. For the record, it was Bud Light for Obama, Sam Adams for Gates and Blue Moon for Crowley and a non-alcoholic Bucker for Biden.

So in ALL Honesty, what did this accomplish, other than having beer in the rose garden, plus having a arresting officer and a arrestee sitting and sipping some cold suds with the President of the United States of America.

Nothing was accomplished, Gates made it clear that he was the victim and was still angry. Sgt.Crowley stayed with his story and remained the same way he was the night of the arrest, he was kind and cordial and did not pick a fight with any words. So what can we say was accomplished other than a media photo opportunity for the press.
All I can say is and this is what I believe, that Sgt.Crowley was doing his job as a officer who arrived at the scene of what was called in as a attempted burglary. He had no idea who Gates was and he certainly did not have to take the verbal abuse that Gates hurled his way in the arrest.
Put it this way when a police officer tells you to stand still, there should be NO BACK TALK of any kind, do what the Officer says and every thing should work out fine, but when you start a verbal attack, you are asking for problem, I could care less who you are in this world.

What do you think of Beer Fest 2009? Was it a success?

Leave a comment please.

Thanks again,


Friday, July 24, 2009

Sorry you are in Labor, please GO HOME!

Can this story be true, “Oh, I know you are about to have a child my dear lady, BUT the hospital is too full, you will have to come back at a later time”, we are sorry!
This is like dialling 911 and them putting you on HOLD, what is wrong with this crazy world.
When a Mother is turned away and sent home when she is in labour, you know the hospital is crazy.
Mum gives birth at home after 'being sent away by hospital'
July 24, 2009 12:01am
Mum "forced to give birth at home"
Claims hospital staff turned her away
"We don't have enough room tonight"

A MOTHER has claimed she was forced to give birth on her bedroom floor after being turned away from a Sydney hospital because there were not enough beds. Natasha Ramirez, 27, was bleeding and in labour when she first arrived at Liverpool Hospital last Thursday but said she was told by a nurse, "We don't have enough room tonight".

"She told me to go back home because I wouldn't be in labour for another 24 to 48 hours," Ms Ramirez said yesterday. Five hours later baby Anjelita was born on the bedroom floor at the Ramirez home, The Daily Telegraph reports. The hospital last night refused to comment on the specific allegations. Ms Ramirez was at her Liverpool unit with her partner Ricardo Hermosilla when she went into labour about 3am.

Life can get really crazy, and this is another phase we are going through, HOW WOULD YOU HAVE HANDLED THIS PROBLEM?





Mass. police unions ask Obama for apology
Fellow black officer on scene says 'fully supports' white officer in arrest

BOSTON - A multiracial group of police officers stood with the white officer who arrested a prominent black Harvard scholar and asked President Barack Obama and Gov. Deval Patrick to apologize for comments union leaders called insulting.
Obama said Wednesday that Cambridge police "acted stupidly" during the disorderly conduct arrest of his friend, Henry Louis Gates Jr., in his own home near Harvard University. Gov. Deval Patrick said Gates' arrest was "every black man's nightmare."
Both Obama and Patrick are black, and the president's comment marked his first foray into a divisive racial issue — a striking departure from his "post-racial" impartiality.

Dennis O'Connor, president of the Cambridge Police Superior Officers Association, said Obama's remarks were "misdirected" and the Cambridge police "deeply resent the implication" that race was a factor in the arrest.
"President Obama said the actions of the CPD were stupid and linked the event to the history of racial profiling in America," O'Connor said. "The facts of the case suggested that the president used the right adjective but directed it to the wrong party."
A black police officer who was at Gates' home during the arrest said he fully supports how his white fellow officer handled the situation.
Sgt. Leon Lashley said Gates was probably tired and surprised when Sgt. James Crowley demanded identification from him as officers investigated a report of a burglary. Lashley said Gates' reaction to Crowley was "a little bit stranger than it should have been."

Asked if Gates should have been arrested, Lashley said he supported Crowley "100 percent."
The White House said Obama regretted commenting on the arrest of Gates. Press secretary Robert Gibbs told NBC News
That Obama wished he had not escalated the issue, adding that the media's "obsessions" were keeping alive Obama's comments.

"Had he known it would become such a media distraction, he would have refrained from commenting. But the president has said all he's going to say on the issue," Gibbs told NBC News. "He has not talked to Gates nor the Cambridge police officer."
Gibbs said Obama has "great respect" for police officers and understands what a hard job they have.

Differing accounts
Officers responded to Gates' home on July 16 after a woman called 911 and said she saw two black men with backpacks trying to force open the front door. The woman, Lucia Whalen, has not responded to repeated attempts for comment.
Gates has said he returned from an overseas trip, found the door jammed, and that he and his driver attempted to force it open. Gates went through the back door and was inside the house on the phone with the property's management company when police arrived.
Police said he flew into a verbal rage after Crowley asked him to show identification to prove he should be in the home. Police say Gates accused Crowley of racial bias, refused to calm down and was arrested. The charge was dropped Tuesday, but Gates has demanded an apology, calling his arrest a case of racial profiling.
Crowley said he still supports the president, who attended Harvard Law School in Cambridge and garnered 88 percent of the vote there in last year's presidential election.

"I think he was way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts as he himself stated before he made that comment," Crowley told WBZ-AM.




Thursday, July 23, 2009

Please Mr.President Give me a Break


Not knowing the details all the way, President Obama weighted into a heavy subject he is now regretting.

It seems that a Professor was returning home Professor Gates late at night, and they some how lost the key, so they went to the back of the home and were trying to open the back door, Seems like something we all would do, then a neighbor called the Cambridge Police and alerted them that some people were trying to break in, now this is a honest mistake right?.

Well it was the thing to do in these days and times we live in, break-in’s happen all the time now days, but do we have neighbors that take the time and call the local police, NO most folks stay out of the problem and let what happens just happen.

In this case the Cambridge Police was summoned to the house, and surrounded the home. You have know idea what a officer is going to find in these days, I mean a break in is a break in, and who knows what can happen.

This sets up, a real problem, the officer that was at the scene had know idea who Mr. Gates was are who his friend was. I mean it was dark at night and anything can happen.

Ok, so then we have the President on National TV trying to sell all of us Americans on his Health care plan and doing a hard job doing that, more so when people are out of jobs and need work bad, he was wanting so hard to push his Health Care past us all.

It was then that a reporter asked him the question that was crazy and the President answered when he should have shut up.

I mean the President admitted, understand admitted he did not know all the facts and details regarding Mr. Gates arrest, he called the Cambridge Police Stupid and said they acted “Stupidly”.

The President was more or less saying that the officer was way out of line, he was referring that it would have never have happened if it had been a white person, but you have to remember these were black men, and they were trying to show that white officers have more control over the blacks.

Believe the President if you want, but I believe the arresting officer, at the scene of what he believed was a real break-in.

Since the President said that the Cambridge Police acted Stupidly, let me remind you, did you hear what he said, or was it muffled, he said and listen to the speech again, and you will hear the President say if he was trying to get in the back door of this house “meaning the White House” he laughed and said the person would be SHOT!, do you understand what he said, the person breaking in to the White House would have been shot, no questions asked.

Ok Mr. President, since you were not there and do not have all the facts I believe you owe this officer a apology and also the entire Cambridge Police department.

They were doing their job, and the arresting Officer had no idea who Mr. Gates was, he was just acting on instinct.

You have to remember, the President was not there, he had no idea as what was going on.

I wonder what would have happened if Mr. Obama and his wife were in Chicago and some how he lost his key to his home, and suppose someone a neighbor called the Chicago police department and said they believed a man was trying to break in, what should the police do, should they be suspicions or what?

My advice is the next time he does not know what he is talking about, please Mr. President “Shut Up”.



3 Kids Starved only in America


" 3 Kids Found Starved in Texas Hotel Bathroom"

DALLAS — Three children were kept in a hotel bathroom for about a year and were "horribly emaciated" when police found them earlier this month, authorities said. One claimed to have been repeatedly sexually assaulted.

The children's mother, 30-year-old Abneris Santiago, is charged with injury to a child. Her 37-year-old live-in boyfriend, Alfred Santiago, is charged with aggravated sexual assault and continuous sexual abuse.

The extended stay hotel where the Santiagos lived sits alongside one of Dallas' busiest freeways. It has daily and weekly rates and offers maid service for an extra cost, though it wasn't clear if hotel employees had entered the unit where the children were found.
An attorney for the hotel chain said there were no complaints from other guests and employees about the unit.

"When law enforcement and management arrived ... the unit was very, very clean," said Steven Stefani, senior counsel for a Budget Suites of America. "What became apparent is these people worked very hard in concealing these children in the back bathroom."

The Santiagos remained jailed Wednesday. Abneris Santiago was being held on $50,000 bail, while Alfred Santiago was being held on $125,000 bail. Her initial court appearance is not expected until Aug. 3, said her attorney, James Jamison.

His attorney, Richard Carrizales, declined to comment.
According to an arrest affidavit, Abneris Santiago called police on July 2 and asked for help getting her children and belongings from the hotel. Officers found a healthy 1-year-old girl — the child of the Santiagos, Jamison said — in a crib.

Inside the bathroom, they found an 11-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy and a 5-year-old boy — Abneris Santiago's children from other relationships, Jamison said. It was apparent the children suffered from "serious physical, emotional and mental neglect," according to the affidavit.

The 10-year-old was covered in bruises and all three were "horribly emaciated, underweight and malnourished," the affidavit said.

The 11-year-old told authorities that their mother left them with her boyfriend while she worked. She said they were allowed to leave the bathroom only when he took a shower and that they were regularly beaten and rarely fed.

The girl told police she had been sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend for at least three years. She described numerous rapes and said she was forced to perform oral sex on him. She also said the boyfriend threatened to kill her if she told her mother about the assaults.

The children were initially hospitalized for 10 days. The 10-year-old was hospitalized again recently, said Child Protective Services spokeswoman Marissa Gonzales. All four children are now in temporary foster care.

Abneris Santiago told police that Alfred Santiago did not care for her children because, according to him, "they were not his responsibility," the affidavit said.
"She just had a history of making poor judgments about her male companions," Jamison said. "I think ultimately the evidence will show that this man was controlling her and controlling the children."
Two residents said they had seen the couple around the hotel complex, which has several apartment-style buildings.
Shenika Gantt, 18, said she once talked to Abneris Santiago about getting a job at the restaurant where she worked.
"I never knew she had kids," Gantt said.
Kennetha Mathis said she had seen the Santiagos with the 1-year-old.
"The only kid I knew they had was the baby. She used to bring the baby out," she said.
Abneris Santiago's brother, Abner Santiago, came to Dallas from Ohio to check on the family after their mother spoke with her daughter on the phone, The Dallas Morning News reported. Abner Santiago said family members had been concerned about his sister for several years since she met Alfred Santiago and moved from Florida, where her mother had been "basically raising her kids for her."
He was with his sister and police when they went to the hotel. The children were so emaciated that they threw up when child protective workers first tried to feed them. The children's lips were dry, swollen and cracked, their ribs were protruding, and their cheeks and eyes were sunken into dark hollows.

"My jaw just hit the floor," Abner Santiago told the newspaper. "I just broke down." Jamison told the AP his client was afraid to tell authorities about the abuse.

"I think it did take a lot of courage on her behalf to notify the police about this situation and bring the police to her residence to rescue the children," he said.





The MAN we all Trusted


What can you think of when you think of the evening news broadcast, I mean the world news and views?

Most of us in this age bracket were watching a man that was so trustworthy and we all knew that what he said was facts and not just things he made up.

He was there with us when the Apollo landed on the Moon, and we were fascinated, he was there when we cried when we heard that our President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

He was always there for us, and now he is gone, at the age of 92, he lived a full life that seen many Presidents came and go, he was with us during the Vietnam conflict, he was there with us during the Democratic Convention in Chicago, where a young reporter was pushed and shoved, that young reporter would come and replace him later in his life, he was Dan Rather.

That was the convention that had people on the outside chanting “The Whole World is watching”, can you remember back that far?

Later that year a musical band called CHICAGO would put that song out on their album that sold millions.

Let’s get to some thing that he said every night when he signed off, he would say “And that’s the way it is”.

This man with the glasses and elderly kind look was none other than the most important news anchor in the broadcast business he was “Walter Cronkite”.
He was a man that we all looked to for honest answers and if Walter said it, it had to be true.

He was even there when this thing called “Watergate” happened and caught the men trying to break into the Democratic Convention and stealing files.

This would later bring down a United States President, and he would later be impeached, he was President Richard M. Nixon.

Nixon was hated by the young, and it was all because he was willing to keep this war in Vietnam going and killing our young innocent men and woman.

Protests around the country raged, and he was looked on as “Tricky Dickey”, and that was not funny.

Walter Cronkite was born November 4, 1916, in St. Joseph, Missouri. He was the son of Helen Lena Fritche and Dr. Walter Leland Cronkite, a Dentist.

Cronkite lived in Kansas City, Missouri until he was ten, when his family moved to Houston, Texas. He attended junior high school at Lanier Junior High School [Now Lanier Middle School) and High school at San Jacinto High School, were he edited the high school newspaper. He was a member of the Boy Scouts. He attended college at the University of Texas at Austin. There he worked on the “Daily Texan”.

He would later drop out of college in his junior year, in 1935, after starting a series of newspaper reporting jobs covering news and sports.

He entered broadcasting as a radio announcer for WKY in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In 1936, he met his future wife Mary Elizabeth Maxwell (known by her nickname “Betsy”). While working as the sports announcer for KCMQ (AM) in Kansas City, Missouri, his broadcast name was “Walter Wilcox”. He would later explain radio stations did not want people using their real names. This was all due to the fear that if a announcer would leave the station, they did not want their fans following them to another radio station. In Kansas City in 1936 he joined the United Press, and became one of the top reporters in World War 2, covering battles in North Africa and Europe. He was one of eight journalist selected by the United States Army Forces to fly bombing raids over Germany in a B-17 Flying Fortress. He also landed in a glider with the 101st Airborne in Operation Market Garden and he covered the Battle of the Bulge.

After the war he covered the Nuremberg Trials and he served as United Press main reporter in Moscow for two years.

Early years at CBS

In 1950, (the year this writer was born ) Cronkite joined CBS News in its young and growing television division, he was recruited by Edward R. Murrow, who had previously tried to hire Cronkite from UP during the war. Cronkite began working at WTOP-TV the CBS affiliate in Washington D.C. .
He originally served as anchor of the network’s 15 minute late Sunday evening newscast “Up To The Minute” , followed by “What’s My Line” at 11:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, from 1951 to 1962.

Then July 7, 1952, the term “anchor” was coined to describe Cronkite’s role at both the Democratic and Republican National Convention, which marked the first nationally televised convention coverage. Cronkite anchored the network’s coverage of the 1952 presidential election as well as later conventions. In 1964 he was temporarily replaced by the team of Robert Trout and Roger Mudd, this proved to be a mistake, and Cronkite returned to the anchor chair for future political conventions.he

From 1953 to 1957, Cronkite hosted the CBS program “You Are There”, which reenacted historical events, using the format of a
News report. His famous last lines for these programs were “What Sort of Day Was It”?
Cronkite was the lead broadcaster of the networks coverage of the 1960 Winter Olympics, the first ever time such and event was televised in the United States. He replaced Jim McKay who had suffered a mental breakdown.
.The CBS Evening News
On April 16, 1962, Cronkite succeeded Douglas Edwards as the anchorman of the CBS Evening News (initially Walter Cronkite with the News), a job in which he became and American Icon.
The program expanded from 15 to 30 minutes on September 2, 1963, making Cronkite the anchor of American network televistions first nightly half-hour news program.
But just as all good things come in time, so must they must pass away.
He continued to be the most trusted news person in America, but he retired in 1981.
One of Walter Cronkites, trademarks was his ending of the CBS Evening News with the phrase “And that’s the way it is”, followed by the date,
On February 14, 1980, Cronkite announced that he intended to retire from the CBS Evening News, at the time CBS had a policy of mandatory retirement by age of 65.
He would later go on to decribe himself as “a comfortable old shoe” to his audience. By this he meant they could put their foot in him like nice pair of slipper.
His last day in the anchor chair at the CBS Evening News was on March 6, 1981, he was succeeded the following Monday by Dan Rather.
Cronkite’s farewell statement was this:

This is my last broadcast as the anchorman of The CBS Evening News; for me, it's a moment for which I long have planned, but which, nevertheless, comes with some sadness. For almost two decades, after all, we've been meeting like this in the evenings, and I'll miss that. But those who have made anything of this departure, I'm afraid have made too much. This is but a transition, a passing of the baton. A great broadcaster and gentleman, Doug Edwards, preceded me in this job, and another, Dan Rather, will follow.[1] And anyway, the person who sits here is but the most conspicuous member of a superb team of journalists; writers, reporters, editors, producers, and none of that will change. Furthermore, I'm not even going away! I'll be back from time to time with special news reports and documentaries, and, beginning in June, every week, with our science program, Universe.[8] Old anchormen, you see, don't fade away; they just keep coming back for more. And that's the way it is: Friday, March 6, 1981. I'll be away on assignment, and and Dan Rather will be sitting in here for the next few years. Good night.[25

I have one thing to add since Walter is no longer with us, if you ever wanted to hear the truth, then CBS News was the place to get it, and Walter Cronkite was the man to have you explain what happened or when.
He was 92 that that is a good age, he had seen wars and seen the worst in Presidents, he also had been with us in our times of trouble, like when the prisoners were being held in Iran, and he was with us during the Apollo space adventures.
Most of us American’s that knew him should say THANK YOU WALTER, for being the best.
Now he is gone, and we now can look back and remember all the great times we had when he was alive and with us.



Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama and Health Care

What did you really think of the speech of President Obama and his Health Care message, or was it a waste of 1 hour of your life?

I mean, what is the government trying to do decide who and where we can see a doctor, and what they have to say regarding our medical information..

Were you watching another show, while he was making a speech that was seen on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, or even the local networks in your area?

Seems to me President Obama was off the mark, and really I do not believe that this bill will pass, or will it?

Do you think it is a great idea to have the government be in control of your medical records and tell you who the doctor you can see and can not?

Look did you hear him mention the fact that more people or out of work, NO, are that maybe we were going to get people back to work, NO.

All I heard was that he was hoping that everyone could get health care for everyone that is in need and you the people who are working hard have to pay for those that have no insurance at all. Hello and great day to all the illegal people that crash our borders because now they will have the best of health care thanks to the President if this bill passes.

President Obama is trying to shove this down the Americans hearts and throats.

In Chicago a young child that was mauled by a dog, was sent by ambulance to a Chicago Hospital, and the young mother was told that her son, who was in pain had to be transported to another hospital because she had Medicaid and the Hospital did not take that, so the young man had to remain in pain and had to be transported to lower class hospitals in the areas.

Also a man was sitting in a Chicago Hospital for over 4 hours and the man died in the chair when he was waiting for treatment he had a massive heart attack, he went in with severe heart pain, and was told he had to wait because he did not have major insurance.

Chicago if you remember has been known as Obama’s old stomping ground.

He has close ties with everyone in Chicago, can you remember he sat under the wonderful teaching of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who you all have heard his hatred of white people and respect for this country, the United States of America.

People tend to forget where Obama comes from, where he has been and where he is taking this country, sure you may have voted on him, sure you may like him, but where is he taking us.

When GM has to be bailed out, by the government does that now mean GM is now called GOVERNMENT MOTORS?

Every American has to cut back on every thing from medicine to food to gasoline to drive their vehicles.

Of course the President says he has inherited all of this from his former president, speaking about George W. Bush.

He spoke of how people had to give up and go under because they were having such high bills to pay, because of hospital bills.

What has caught my attention most was he said he read mail late at night from people all over the country that needed help, Ok, are you really telling me that people can get messages for the President to read, I don’t think so, I believe someone close in his cabinet may have been given a letter to the President to read, that is the only way I believe he reads any message from any poor American.

We voted for him, we should back him, but let’s get real, I don’t see that he will be in office next term; I believe he will be defeated the next time the election comes around.

What do you think?