Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama and Health Care

What did you really think of the speech of President Obama and his Health Care message, or was it a waste of 1 hour of your life?

I mean, what is the government trying to do decide who and where we can see a doctor, and what they have to say regarding our medical information..

Were you watching another show, while he was making a speech that was seen on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, or even the local networks in your area?

Seems to me President Obama was off the mark, and really I do not believe that this bill will pass, or will it?

Do you think it is a great idea to have the government be in control of your medical records and tell you who the doctor you can see and can not?

Look did you hear him mention the fact that more people or out of work, NO, are that maybe we were going to get people back to work, NO.

All I heard was that he was hoping that everyone could get health care for everyone that is in need and you the people who are working hard have to pay for those that have no insurance at all. Hello and great day to all the illegal people that crash our borders because now they will have the best of health care thanks to the President if this bill passes.

President Obama is trying to shove this down the Americans hearts and throats.

In Chicago a young child that was mauled by a dog, was sent by ambulance to a Chicago Hospital, and the young mother was told that her son, who was in pain had to be transported to another hospital because she had Medicaid and the Hospital did not take that, so the young man had to remain in pain and had to be transported to lower class hospitals in the areas.

Also a man was sitting in a Chicago Hospital for over 4 hours and the man died in the chair when he was waiting for treatment he had a massive heart attack, he went in with severe heart pain, and was told he had to wait because he did not have major insurance.

Chicago if you remember has been known as Obama’s old stomping ground.

He has close ties with everyone in Chicago, can you remember he sat under the wonderful teaching of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who you all have heard his hatred of white people and respect for this country, the United States of America.

People tend to forget where Obama comes from, where he has been and where he is taking this country, sure you may have voted on him, sure you may like him, but where is he taking us.

When GM has to be bailed out, by the government does that now mean GM is now called GOVERNMENT MOTORS?

Every American has to cut back on every thing from medicine to food to gasoline to drive their vehicles.

Of course the President says he has inherited all of this from his former president, speaking about George W. Bush.

He spoke of how people had to give up and go under because they were having such high bills to pay, because of hospital bills.

What has caught my attention most was he said he read mail late at night from people all over the country that needed help, Ok, are you really telling me that people can get messages for the President to read, I don’t think so, I believe someone close in his cabinet may have been given a letter to the President to read, that is the only way I believe he reads any message from any poor American.

We voted for him, we should back him, but let’s get real, I don’t see that he will be in office next term; I believe he will be defeated the next time the election comes around.

What do you think?



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